Cloning fedora-26 to fedora-27 template Qubes 3.2

UPDATE: Qubes officially have support for Fedora-27 now:

and fedora-28


I suddenly got a message that there are new updates to fedora-26 and those updates was the release of a fedora-27.

Sadly, there is no qubes fedora-27 template :

so I think we will have to follow the guide used in fedora-25 -> fedora-26 and see if we can use that for fedora-26 -> fedora-27 (and probably 28 also…):

clone the VM

prepare the new template and start gnome-terminal to configure the new release and run updates

See the error, showing there’s missing fc27 repository in qubes 3.2.

disable all qubes repositories and update to fedora 27 in the TemplateVM and select 26 hoping the differences are not too many ( list here).

I think it’s better to use the fedora-26 qubes repo, from Qubes 3.2 on fedora-27, than  trying the Qubes 4.0 fc27 repo, but I have no actual knowledge backing it up. Funny that Qubes 4.0 has a fc28, when it hasn’t been released properly yet. That is amazing 🙂 Great work, Qubes-team. (I couldn’t get it to work on 4.0, though)

Change fc$releasever in the repo-file to fc26, before the dnf update, and run it:

After applying updates, shut down the VM and clean up the files in dom0:

And voilá. The TemplateVM is ready to go, without any warranties, but it seems with KeePassXC 2.3.1 instead of 2.2.4, as an example (Better browser integration :).

And with Fedora 28 in beta, it might be a good idea to do the above again, just with fedora 28 and qubes fedora 26 repository.