I did this once before on Qubes 4.0 with help From Frédéric Pierret, but left Qubes on my NUC for Xubuntu due to too many issues with hardware. Intel NUC is not overly Linux friendly friendly. Microsoft is their primary focus.
Then today(of all days) I snuck an install of the promising Qubes 4.1rc3 on the box, and if started with a single error during final install [Start failed: internal error: Unable to reset PCI device 0000:00:1f.6: no FLR, PM reset or bus reset available, see /var/log/libvirt/libxl/libxl-driver.log for details”:
No networking was available upon startup. Disabling the PCI device in question [00:1f.6 Ethernet Controller….] in sys-net, made booting of sys-net possible and luckily wifi worked out-of-the-box.
Hope the above solution might help others in same situation.